Monday, December 6, 2010

Software Issues

I'm sorry that it has been awhile. I've been busy at work and haven't had time to really play any games. Right now, I am playing Epic Mickey and will try my absolute best to post my thoughts on that.

Recently I bought a Pinnacle Studio so I can record gameplay footage directly from the console. I noticed people kept talking about the Dazzle, but the reviews I saw online were 50/50 and went for something else. I tested it out with Final Fantasy VIII and it worked fine. Since then, the system tends to crash an awful lot and sometimes freezes. I was recording Fatal Frame and it froze after an hour of gameplay and I was so much further into the game before I realized it. So, I'll have to take breaks when recording. Okay, that's fine. But when I was recording the first couple of minutes of Epic Mickey, everytime I tried to save a recording, it would shut down on me. EVERY TIME!!! I personally blame the computer. I use an Acer that has suffered from viruses (my sister opened one of those fake Youtube links) and it was a cheap laptop to begin with. I've been pressuring my dad to focus on getting our desktop fixed, another tragic victims of viruses (good job Microsoft). I worry it might be the actual program though, which makes me sad. I feel like I might end up buying a Dazzler. I've heard there is a way to record on your Mac and some people do seem to like it. I dunno, I'm annoyed at technology in general. My Flip camera never gave me such issues!!

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