I learned today that Mirror's Edge 2 was cancelled. I honestly loved the first game and I was hoping for the sequel. Now I'll never know if the story could ever clean itself up.
As it is Valentine's Day I would like to list some of my favorite video game couples. These are entirely of my opinion and you are welcome to disagree. Also, these are in no particular order, I'm just typing them down as I recall them.
1. Tidus and Yuna - Final Fantasy X: One of the best romances in Final Fantasy imo. I happen to be a total sucker for those romances that just cannot be. Why can't they be together? They love each other!! This is one of those couples to me. Want to know how much of a nerd I am, my friend finished this game and played the ending to me over the phone. I was bawling like a baby despite I didn't watch it!! True story. Luckily, Final Fantasy X-2 allows you to choose to reunite with Tidus. Awww... Yes I did tear up many times throughout the game.
2. Nathan and Elena - Uncharted: These two are just so cute together. Nathan is a lovable rogue. Elena is a sweet, no-nonsense girl. I loved the ending of these two together at the end of Uncharted 2. I haven't followed up much on Uncharted 3 on purpose, but I hope that this romance will live on there.
3. Hiro and Lucia - Lunar 2: Eternal Blue: This is one of the early couples for me. I played the Complete version on the PS1 before I played Silver. It's kind of a cheesy, animu couple that largely relies on nostalgia, but I still love it.
4. The Wanderer and Mono - Shadows of the Colossus: Much like #1, this is a total unrequited romance. More so than the earlier choices as we don't really know much about the relationship. Mono could possibly not know The Wanderer, he could be some weird stalker for all we know! I don't think that. His damned quest to retrieve her soul is a truly powerful tale. The ending makes me cry as well. The Wanderer being attacked by the clergy (?) yet still focused on Mono waking up makes me tear up.
5. Kayako and YOU - Ju-On - She just won't leave me alone.
6. U-1 and Kirah - Gitaroo Man - The ultimate love song!
7. Eileen Galvin and Walter Sulivan - This is more of a fan thing. D-don't ask too much about it.
8. Vyse and Aika and Fina - Skies of Arcadia - This is my favorite game of all time. Unlike your FFVII, this game completely avoids the love triangle. The game neither supports or rejects Vyse ending up with either girl. While I am more partial to Fina, I do believe a Sister Wives relationship is likely to happen.
Are these the greatest romances that games have to offer? Probably not. I'm sure there are a few many can agree with, but it is a rather unconventional list. I'm not even sure if I agree with it (what?). I do like more couples, but I really wanted to avoid just fan choice and go with canon. #7 is somewhat canon and #5 is a joke, don't take it seriously. Sorry if it feels spur of the moment. It is. I do find these wonderful couples in games though. Feel free to share your favorites!